Women Power! India Dreams Big with Transformational Reform: Reserve a Third of Parliament Seats for Women!

by Safe Retirement Reports

India has made history with the passing of a landmark bill ensuring that one third of all seats in Parliament and state legislatures are reserved for women.

The Women’s Reservation Bill, which was introduced in 1996, has languished in Parliament for decades due to opposition from various political parties. But on Tuesday, March 9th, 2021, the Rajya Sabha (Upper House of Parliament) finally passed the bill, thus bringing India one step closer to a more representative democracy.

The bill, which was passed by a voice vote, mandates that one third of all seats for the Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) and each state legislature will be reserved for female candidates. This means that women will now have greater access to positions in the central and state government, which will ensure more gender balance in decision-making processes.

In passing the bill, India has overcome a major obstacle towards achieving gender equality in politics. This move is applauded by women’s rights activists, who have long been advocating for greater representation of women in politics and government.

The passing of the Women’s Reservation Bill is an important step towards ensuring that Indian women are not forgotten or overlooked in decision making. It is India’s commitment to creating a more representative and equitable society, which hopes to achieve a brighter future in terms of gender equality and progress.

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