80 Lives Lost, Hundreds Injured in Shocking Drone Strike on Syrian College

by Safe Retirement Reports

This week, an airstrike conducted by unknown forces has resulted in one of the deadliest attacks on a military college in Syria. According to local sources, at least 80 people were killed and hundreds more injured in the attack on the college in Syria. The air strike reportedly used several drones to carry out the attack, dropping multiple explosive devices which resulted in the massive destruction.

The attack is thought to be the deadliest in Syria in the past year, and the largest single attack by drones to date in the region. The Syrian state media described the attack as being “cowardly and barbaric”.

The exact number of those dead and injured is currently unknown, although it is thought that the majority of those killed were students of the college. It is still unclear who was responsible for the attack, although many speculate that it may have been conducted by a terrorist group. The Syrian government has yet to make an official statement on the attack, but reports suggest that the country’s military is investigating the incident.

This attack comes at a time when tensions between the Syrian government and rebels, as well as violence, continue to increase. It is yet another example of the dangers of relying on military drones for attacks as well as the potential destruction they can cause. Unfortunately, this attack is also another example of the horrifying effects of violence in Syria on innocent civilians, and it is unclear what the future holds for the violence-ridden nation.

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