“Be Ready for Less-Priced Flights, Packed Hotels, and a Boomer Blast This Holiday Season!

by Safe Retirement Reports

If you’re hoping to travel this holiday season, there’s both good news and bad news. On the plus side, airfares are dropping and hotel rooms are more likely to be available, at least compared to years past. On the downside, if you plan on flying or checking into a hotel, you’ll be sharing the experience with a lot of fellow travelers — and many of them will be of the Baby Boomer generation.

While the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the travel industry has been devastating, many Boomers are actually taking advantage of the lower prices to take a trip. The aging population, which is now roughly at the oldest age of about 74 and older, is seemingly more inspired to get away and explore, prompting a surge of seniors fleeing the routine of their everyday lives and making a beeline for vacation destinations.

For younger travelers, this could mean higher demand for space on flights and in hotels, leading to more competition and higher prices. Accommodations are a particular concern, as more Boomers are likely to need larger rooms available for longer stays. This could mean limited accommodations for other travelers, especially considering that most Boomers have retired and are less likely to be able to shell out for an expensive suite.

Another factor is that due to the pandemic, less travelers overall are expected to take to the skies this holiday season, potentially creating more demand for already lower-than-normal prices. Even if hotels are available, prices may be slightly higher due to the competition, depending on the destination.

No matter what kind of traveler you are, it’s important to take the proper precautions and do your research before embarking on any sort of trip this year. Not only will this help ensure the safety of you and your fellow travelers, but it could also help you avoid spending more money than you need to. Plus, there’s no better feeling than returning home safely and getting the chance to relish all the sights and memories you made on your Boomer-filled holiday travel adventure.

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