Debate Alert! Fox News Confirms Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom Squaring Off in November

by Safe Retirement Reports

On November 3rd, news broke that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newson will go head to head for a debate. This debate will be aired on Fox News and is seen as the first of its kind during the this presidential season. Some are looking to this debate to be a showdown between the two National Governors Association chairs, with DeSantis representing the Republican party and Newsom representing the Democratic party.

The debate will focus on the two Governors’ respective plans to keep their states safe, healthy, and prosperous during the coronavirus pandemic. This is especially important for both states as Florida was hit close to home with the virus in the early stages and California has been in a tight battle with officially containing the virus when compared to other states.

The dueling perspectives between these two governors has gained a lot of media attention throughout the election season. Both DeSantis and Newson have their respective takes on how best to face the toughest issues of the coronavirus pandemic. From the closing of non-essential business to restrictive travel between states, this will certainly be a major moment of the election season.

In light of their major differences on how to deal with the pandemic, some have questioned the motives of having the debate. Both governors have been outspoken on the issues they plan to present during the debate and are both heavily supported by their respective parties. It remains to be seen as to whether the debate will be controversial or stick to the points of the pandemic.

Regardless, many Political Science experts have given their stamp of approval on the matchup between these two Governors. It is with the hope that the debate will give citizens an educated perspective on the best way to handle the virus while keeping their states safe and open as possible. With the urgency for answers, November 3rd can’t come soon enough.

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