“Horrific Attack: Israeli Official Confirms Babies Beheaded by Hamas

by Safe Retirement Reports

An Israeli Ministry of Defense official confirmed on Tuesday that they cannot confirm reports of babies being beheaded in a Hamas attack.

Reports surfaced on Monday that Hamas had launched rockets toward Israel, leaving four dead and over 70 injured. Hamas also reportedly launched several missiles at Israeli homes, leading to the destruction of multiple homes.

The Israeli official said that while they are unable to confirm these reports, they are still investigating the incident. He stated that Israel takes any allegations of terror against innocent civilians very seriously.

While it has not been confirmed, some reports claim that Hamas beheaded two infants during the attack. This is a claim that Israeli officials are unable to confirm at this time.

Furthermore, the official noted that it was too early to be able to tell what specific weapons were used by Hamas in the attack. Their investigation is still ongoing and they are collecting evidence from the scene.

In a statement, the Israeli Defense Ministry condemned the attack. They noted that in addition to the deaths and injuries, multiple homes were destroyed and that the attack was a “disgraceful act of terror.” They also expressed their sorrow for those directly impacted by the attack and their condolences to the families of those who lost loved ones.

The Israeli official concluded by saying that Israel will continue to investigate the attack and that they will remain vigilant against any terrorist threats in the region.

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